Select USA
aquama®'s summary during SelectUSA 2023:
- 400 business cards handed
- 100+ new contacts
- 3 biggest investors world wide gathered
- Crucial diplomatic contacts
- 500 coffees consumed
aquama®'s trip in the U.S.A
"The past is in your head the future is in your hands"
This citation carries the values aquama wants to share which led us all the way to the United States of America.
It all started during a sunny day in October, when Cindy Hostetler and Nicolas Bernard Masson arrived at aquama's headquarters in order to see whetever the company could one day, implent itself in the USA.

Everything after that went on very quickly with a direct invitation from the Honorable Ambassador Miller to attend the wonderful SelectUSA event, which also allowed us to share the potential of aquama® with Sandor Galambos, who was also a great support to the company. Before we knew it, we were on a plane to Washington DC, expecting the unexpected.
Upon arrival, we wasted no time and drove to the city of Philadelphia where the respective city and sates representatives scheduled a full day of strategical meetings and a tour to different co-working offices to give us an insight of what life could be like for a swiss company there.

The day after, we went on a trip to Pittsburgh. Despite the challenging weather and traffic conditions, it was very insightful and thanks to Mike's expertise on the city's dynamics, we gained a better understanding of the strong IT development taking place there.

After a few days of work (and rest) SelectUSA started, with great networking opportuinties and also the gathering of potential investors.

On the 2nd of May, we had the great honour and privilege of being invited by the U.S. embassy where we had the opprotuinty to exchange the concept of aquama, meet great inviduals from outsie and inside the USA and share a dinner together. We are truly grateful for the U.S. Embassy's invitation, in order to contribute to strengthening our country's ties.
On May 3rd, it was this time the Swiss Embassy in the U.S.A who gave us the honour to attend their invitation with many other Swiss and American representatives. This event allowed us to better understand how aquama can implement itself in the U.S.A from a Swiss standpoint.
We want to thank once again the Swiss Embassy in the U.S.A for the invitation, it was truly a pleasure.

Then on May the 4th, SelectUSA ended.
After very fast paced time in the USA, we would like once again to thank everyone who welcomed us with open arms and all the different people, companies, and states who we had the pleasure to converse with.