About us

Founder's vision

Photo du fondateur


Coming from hotel management schools, I’ve always liked good things life has to offer. I worked in the greatest Swiss palaces but as well with small local restaurants and hotel owners where you have to learn to be polyvalent in a variety of professional fields.

Always eager to learn and improve myself, I then specialized in hotel recruitment within a multinational company and was in charge of a department.

In 2006, my son was born and everything has change for me at that time. Despite a good job situation, I started looking for ways to change my son’s life.

First, I changed my car, buying the first truly hybrid one, modestly trying step by step to improve my consumption habits without becoming radical in my lifestyle’s choices.

I realized that I always asked others to become better. However, I quickly understood that ecology has to start with myself and that I had to become a player in the process.


My purchasing power could change things and give the industry the long lasting path I wanted to follow.

I realized we must all together start a new way of consuming, but also send strong signals of our desire for change through our purchases.

Indeed, the car exchange I had previously done could also apply to any types of market but also to any kind of people.

So I decided my mission would be to, of course, help my family but also future generations, developing technologies that combine efficiency, economy and ecology.

Coming from hotel business, I realized then that more than 48 mega tons of pure chemistry were produced each year and released almost instantly into the oceans because of cleaning and disinfection purposes.

Some actors had already started trying to change things; no one was really tackling the problem, thinking about the concept behind the solution.

After a few try and several business models in 2013, I finally created aquama®, to meet the three requirements of what I call «the 3E of sustainability».

Professors in biochemistry and biophysics, technicians, manufacturers, EPFL graduates, investors and enthusiasts: thanks to them I built a team which stands for strong ethical and human values, while having exceptional skills.

The first aquama® machine were born.

Research and development have been our focus, leaving no doubt about the possible replacement of more than 80% of the chemistry we use daily, with 100% eco-friendly solutions for cleaning and disinfection.

The goal is easy: allow to any company or person to have an access to eco-friendly, economic and effective solutions.

aquama® was born.


I understood quite quickly that business model was the key that would allow us to change our habits. Indeed,first steps weren’t easy and of course it was hard to believe that we could replace chemistry with a solution based on slightly salted and electrified water made by a machine that everyone can have in their company or directly at home.

We started by implementing solutions with renowned customers such as Geneva Airport and the Olympic Committee and then began to reduce size and price of the machines.

After achieving solutions’s sale in the hospital, hotel and airline segments, we soon reached the B2C market.

In 2016, we launched on the platform QoQa.ch the first Freedom® that revolutionized home cleaning. Manor followed a few months later. By improving their sustainability policy and their environmental goals, they enabled all families in Switzerland to start positioning themselves for a lasting change in the way we consume.

Early 2017, aquama® launched its first exclusive reseller in France, allowing the French to support us in our will for change.

Freedom® was a succes, thousands of nurseries were joining the adventure, changing all their habits of cleaning for aquama® solutions.Improvement for future generations had begun.

B2C market showed a vabriant interest, inviting business market to modify theirs habits, but it wasn’t enough. Each «technical» topic is an opportunity toimprove.

It’s a challenge every time that aquama® team raises brilliantly. We set up a meeting at aquama® office, looked for an innovative business model that would allow everyone to share and win economically while changing our consumption principles.

aquama® Falcon R® was born.

We then decided to set up a mobile app that would allow all companies and individuals to use each aquama® machine available.

Logistics were about to be drastically reduced compared to chemy industry, making it possible to take aquama® solution where the people are.

I asked manufacturers, in a way of sustainable principle, to remove softeners of our machines and not to put internet connection to reduce our carbon impact, while reducing the size of the machine.

Nowadays, everyone can find, use and refill aquama® solution, enjoying the best electrolysis technology worldwide and giving us all the chance to become closer to «CO2 neutral».

This phenomenon includes an integrated circular economy principle which is part of aquama® DNA as well as our mobile app.

Thereby, each machine sold becomes profitable, since customer becomes consumer but also producer and distributor of aquama® solution instantly (prosumerism)


I have the deep conviction that we can improve our living conditions while minimizing climate change by modifying the materials we use, their sourcing, and our business models as well.

Projects abound. All technologies related to materials, electricity, air and water will be developed.

Each market segment will be subject to evolution from aquama® while respecting its roots: efficiency, economy and ecology.

Thus, I hope that we can make long lasting contribution to a better life for our children and for future generations but also for ourselves. It’s up to us to show them the way, we can’t ignore it anymore.

Modestly, I’m not sure that my life time will be enough, but thanks to God, I’m well surrounded.

Willy Lionel Pomathios

