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aquama®, FRAM Hospitality's key ally for a greener hotel industry

Posted on09/22/2021

With the Base Nyon opened in the canton of Vaud in 2015, FRAM Hospitality group inaugurated a new concept of apartment-hotels, cosy and innovative, which was new in Switzerland. One of the creeds of this new way of travelling (and staying) that feels like home? Sustainability! A term dear to aquama® that the group has chosen for the hygiene of all its hotel residences, now also located in Lausanne and Vevey. Our questions to Luc Rosso, General Manager of this hotel division.

The activities of FRAM Hospitality are numerous, can you give us some information about the group, its origins and its mission for those who don't know them yet?

First of all, FRAM Hospitality should not be confused with the French tour operator... The group owes its name to the man who founded and runs it, Frederic Audun Mydske. Frederic comes from a family of Norwegian origin with a long history in Switzerland, and is the head of Norwood SA group, which is very active in real estate, from la Côte to the Riviera. In 2015, he took advantage of his international experience to create a concept of apartment-hotel that was not very widespread here in Switzerland but popular in Asia or in the United States on the east and west coasts in particular. The first residence was therefore built in 2015 in Nyon. It offers 52 suites, ranging in size from 27 to around 40 square metres, with everything required for the client's optimum comfort. Well-located facilities, modern and bright spaces, high quality Hypnove bedding, as well as excellent services and connectivity.

Who are your customers?

They are quite international, between 25 and 65 years old, and made up of people who want a quality welcome but not a stuffy one. I would say that the atmosphere is casual chic... It's a business and leisure clientele, very much in this new “bleisure” trend. We have short and long stays thanks to residences located in cities which are important tourist sites and which also host many companies or international institutions... The health crisis, with the closure of restaurants, has accentuated the use of hotel residences like the ones we propose, in which the clients enjoy a certain autonomy. They can dine in their suite with take-away food, for example.

The hotel industry was very much affected by the Covid-19 consequences. How is it going today?

Thanks to the softening that are currently in force in much of Europe, we are having a fairly good summer season and I am quite optimistic about September. But in our field, the health crisis has only accelerated what was going to happen anyway, such as the use of teleworking, new means of communication, video-conferencing, and the fact that people are travelling less for work purposes.

Since its creation, the Base concept has also been eco-responsible?

Yes, sustainability is one of its pillars. The buildings themselves are made of materials that meet very specific standards. The interest for the environment is everywhere: for example, breakfasts are offered individually to our guests in paper bags, milk and fruit juices are packaged in glass bottles that are washed every day and reused, bicycles are available to our guests, and base-boxes also allow our regular residents to leave a few things for their next stay to lighten their luggage. In the bathrooms, the toiletries, produced by us, are fixed and refilled to avoid waste of product and packaging. 

This is why aquama® is a natural fit for our establishments.

What special measures have been put in place in your properties to fight against the virus? 

We have posters inviting people to be vigilant and to respect the barrier measures such as wearing a mask, which is compulsory in our residences. And we also have aquama® for cleaning and disinfection.

Precisely, in terms of hygiene, have there been any changes?

Well, I would say that perfect hygiene is the basis of our business, so our standards were already very high in that respect. In the rooms, there have not been any major changes. On the other hand, it is true that we have stepped up our action in the common areas, door handles, lifts, etc. For this, the aquama® solution is very effective because it is multifunctional, it cleans and disinfects at the same time.

Why did you choose aquama® for your hotel residences?

It's a product that corresponds perfectly to our approach and our state of mind. It was a natural choice for us since 2015, when we opened our first Base in Nyon.

What are its advantages?

There are many. Firstly, the fact that only one product is needed to clean everything since it is effective on all surfaces and has a cleaning, detergent and disinfectant action. It does not need to be stored as it is produced to be used instantly. It is very easy to use and is not harmful to our maids, does not release volatile substances and does not cause allergies. There are also no concerns about skin contact or ingestion, which is why we also use it in our catering area. Finally, it is very effective on a wide range of surfaces.

After six years using it, how would you rate it?

Excellent! We are very satisfied. It really makes our daily work easier. Our cleaning staff have less packaging to carry on the trolleys and during staff training it is very quick because there is only one easy-to-use product to know.

aquama® is different from other products because of the way it is manufactured and its eco-responsibility. Were your employees apprehensive before using it?

Not at all, because the product was very well presented and explained from the start. It is also used by Geneva Airport, the Manor Group for its shopping centres and Manor Food, which are good references. The cleaning staff are totally committed to it, they are the ones who have made the right choice.

How is this perceived by customers?

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are part of our DNA, customers are sensitive to this. On our website, it is mentioned that aquama® is part of the measures taken in this respect. Our excellent satisfaction rating of over 92 is also linked to these aspects.

You make your aquama® Falcon® Indigo® machines in Vevey and Nyon available to people who want to come and buy the product via the application. How is it going?

For the moment, it's starting slowly, perhaps we need to review our communication in this sense. But we will make sure we improve it, because it's in line with our approach.

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