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Interview Selim Arcan - Directeur Régional Manor Genève/Vésenaz

Posted on12/02/2021

« Chemical cleaning will be replaced in the long term by aquama and we can all continue to reduce our ecological impact. What do you think ? »

How did you find out about aquama®? What convinced you?

When I was introduced to this concept, I was immediately very enthusiastic! Seeing a little too much (laughing), I talked to my team, to the collaborators, we absolutely had to integrate them into Manor Geneva! So I quickly established a partnership with them and then a shop in shop. For the little anecdote, we even had in test, the proposal to drink aquama water to certify us the non-harmful product! It's hard to believe that a 100% natural product can disinfect as well or even better than a traditional product.

At the beginning aquama only offered the Freedom, a device for individuals. We then offered the discovery set at a lower price for our customers and thanks to the installation of the machine, we were able to offer the solution according to the needs of each customer.

As already mentioned, aquama solutions are different products from other household products, due to their natural composition (salt, water, therefore neutral pH) and their pro-environmental concept (no storage, filling, biodegradable). Manor's goal is to make a strong commitment to sustainability. So we were completely aligned with our will.

Why did you want to add aquama® solutions to the range of products you already sell?

There were two main reasons. The first was the demand from our customers which was clearly there. All the more so with the health situation we know today, creating a strong demand for certified and effective products. aquama first proposed a solution with a bactericidal detergent, then a more powerful virucidal solution, certified COVID! When aquama presented us with their different products and machines, we immediately said YES!

The second reason was our conviction for this concept. We saw in aquama the respect of a commitment that is an integral part of Manor's DNA: sustainability. Through this collaboration, we can offer ecological neutrality for cleaning, reduce or even eliminate packaging and chemicals and save customers money.

Is ecology a growing topic in your field? Why?

More than ever! We each have an impact on the environment and we owe it to ourselves to act. At Manor, sustainability shapes our corporate culture and we strive to limit the ecological impact of our business as much as possible. It is in this dynamic that we collaborate with suppliers like aquama. As a company, our impact is greater and therefore, we are aware that we owe it to ourselves to continue to act internally in accordance with our environmental policy.

Could you give us 5 good reasons to use aquama®?

This product is natural, therefore ecological and biodegradable, economical and does not present any particular known risk for human health. I would even add a sixth reason, the fervour and positive energy conveyed by its founder.

In which area / for which client do you recommend it specifically?

I recommend it to everyone, private and professional. Its natural formula and its effectiveness adapt to the daily life of each one and in all the professional sectors. There is no known risk to human health, so it is perfect for daily use in professions such as catering or nurseries, for example

Did you have any reservations, doubts about its effectiveness before using it?

The first time someone hears that cleaning and disinfectant products can be replaced by a simple solution of water and salt surprises and leaves a little doubt, which is quickly dispelled after the first tests. With Geneva Airport and the Olympic Committee as pioneers, who invested in large machines, followed by certain segments such as hotels, hospitals and the airline industry, we quickly became curious to try it.

How did you talk to your staff about it?

Being convinced myself, it was easy to talk about it to the collaborators! Today, several of them use the aquama app and the products as private individuals. The best way to talk about it is to test it! Once you try the aquama solution, you are convinced and the argument is natural because the experience is real: this solution is effective. We are currently using it on certain checkouts in the store.

Why did you choose to offer an aquama® machine for filling individuals?

The machine prepares a more durable solution (6 months) than that worked out at home (7 days) thus, the customer who does not wish to invest in a device, perhaps because he does not feel ready to replace all of them. his household products, can come with the container of his choice in order to take only the quantity which is necessary for him.

The machine has been installed in your home for some time ... How does it work? Do you have feedback from people who use the product?

Some customers are not completely ready to give up certain products altogether, but the health situation has allowed many people to discover this solution first as a virucide and then as a bactericide as a detergent. We have even had clients who used it to disinfect their hands in order to limit the use of hydro alcoholic gels.

We have many of our customers and associates who use aquama in their homes. The advantage of this service is that they can be used in the store discreetly without having to seek help or wait to be served.

How do you see the use of aquama® in the future?

Worldwide use!
Large machines in every business and small ones in every home.
Chemical cleaning will be replaced in the long term by aquama and we can all continue to reduce our ecological impact. What do you think ?

